
After several rockfall incidents endangered powerhouse assets, a geohazard mitigation solution was required to ensure safety and continued operations

Innovative installation solutions were required to safely construct a permanent rockfall mitigation system above the generation station located directly below work slope.

Work Site

  • 60o slopes
  • Worksite directly above facility powerhouse and in close proximity to high voltage transmission lines
  • Very incompetent poor quality rock


Unpredictable rock quality causing frequent rockfall incidents threatening assets at a northern Canada hydro power station, precipitated the call to GRA to mobilize, assess and install rockfall mitigation procedures. Installed Geobrugg rockfall debris mesh, check scaling


Due to proximity of high voltage transmission lines, no helicopter or crane could be used, requiring advanced rope access rigging techniques to transport equipment.

GRA utilized specialized highline techniques to transport material, consulted on design and erected a temporary rockfall barrier.

Once materials were in place and the worksite cleared for construction, GRA drilled and installed the Geobrugg rockfall debris mesh.


Over two years later, the rockfall mitigation solutions installed by GRA have held fast. Building on a successful installation, GRA has since continued to work with the Client and Owner to assist in the continued monitoring of the slope and development of future rockfall mitigation installations.